Time is something I wonder too much about. My thoughts run in a ring around this too often.
Who decided there was 60 seconds in a minute? 60 minutes in an hour? And 24 hours in a day? That's the biggest question for me.
I know most if it is something people once upon a time observed. It's easy to see when it's winter and when it's summer. But how did someone decide that there was to be 30, 31 or 28 days in a month? Or who decided there was to be 365 day in a year? Because those things are pretty hard to observe. How does one know when a year and a month starts and when it ends when it hasn't been decided yet?
But the things I think the most about is the future and the past.
The consequences of our actions are so complicated, so diverse, that predicting the future is a very difficult business indeed.
-Albus Dumbledore.
No one know what the furture will hold but I can't seem to stop thinking about how my life will turn out. Will I still be friends with those I am now? Or will I have found a whole bunch of new friends? Will my dreams ever come true? Will I be alone? These are just some of the questions.
Who knows? No one. Because the future cannot be predicted. I don't believe in those who says it can. Predicting the future only happens in books.
But the past. The past will always hunt a person. Be it in a good or bad manner it will always hunt you. It can be something horrible that was done towards another person, or it can be the good memories of a good time with the family or girlfriend/boyfriend. The past is always there.
If I could make one magical object real, and there are many I want to make real believe me, it would perhaps be the time turner from Harry Potter. The one in the picture above.
You can go back in time with it. But what would I use it for other than to go back in time?
I would go back and observe all the good memories. Or maybe go back to my childhood and whisper to myself in sleep: "Everything will be alright, hang in there kiddo."
So my question for you out there. What would you do if you had a time turner? And remember, you must not be seen.
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