The mind is not a book to be opened at will and examined at leisure.
- Severus Snape, OOTP.

onsdag den 28. december 2011

AIDS Awareness.

Firstly, I am sorry for my inactivity. I've been writing a big assignment for two weeks and right after I handed it in I had to go to my father's place. So I haven't had the time to blog and for that I am sorry. Secondly, this entry will be about a concert I went to before I started on my assignment and about what the money from the concert went to.

No, the picture is not from a Queen concert. Unfortunately. It is from the concert I went to the first of December. The band: Queen Machine, which is, as you can probably guess, a Queen cover band. I went with two of my friends and we had a ball! The Band is probably the closest you'll ever get to a Queen concert after Freddie Mercury's death - at least in Denmark, since I don't know any other cover band. The lead singer has copied Freddie Mercury's style, stage performance and even his way to sing. The show was just like it would've been if it had been Queen. It was the best concert I've ever been to, which probably isn't saying much, since I've only been to one before that. One thing is for sure though: I'm going to their next concert near me!
The concert was arranged by the band and the aids fond to make people aware of how you get AIDS and what needs to be done. Not only in finding a cure, but also in the way people look upon the one who has aids. The profit of the concert would go to the danish AIDS fond and the band would personally hand over the money to them. The profit was 300000 Danish kroner.
I didn't start this blog to tell you about my personal experiences, and you probably don't want to hear them either, so this is not what I am doing. This is just the main reason as to why this is a subject that you find here. After the concert which is now 27 days ago I've been thinking a lot about Aids and I've wanted to write about it in my blog. Freddie Mercury is one of my idols. And as you probably know he died of aids, which was the reason this band was working with the aids fond. AIDS is something we all should know about, but we should have our facts straight and not believe in all the stigma!
We all get 'the talk' when we're old enough, or that's at least how it should be. I remember when my mum had the talk with me. She told me about safe sex and all of those things. Of course it was awkward but it is a necessary thing. My mum told me about aids, and I don't think I understood everything at the time, but I knew I would be safe when I started having sex. It is my opinion that every mother or father should have this talk with their children and explain to them, that there can be risks when you don't protect yourself.
As mentioned we should have our facts straight, so if your reading this and thinking: 'Why's this girl even thinking about it? It's only a gay disease.' Then you clearly don't have your fact straight and I will tell you some things. First of all, this disease is not just for gays. It is something both heterosexuals and a homosexuals can get. Second of all, it starts as HIV. HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system. The virus place its own genetic material in some cells that are an important part of the immune system. By doing that the virus insures that it will be reproduced by these cells. The genetic material that the virus places in the cells will be a part of the cell, and the cell will therefor copy the virus as a part as its own in the new cells. This is they way that the virus spreads. As there comes more and more HIV infected cells there will be fewer and fewer cells that can protect and the immune system will be broken. This will make it easier for the person to become sick or be infected by infections.
These infections can lead to AIDS. AIDS is some specific infections and types of cancers, that especially people that are tested positive for HIV can get. These are not dangerous for people with a healthy immune system, but can be very serious for those with HIV.
The stigma is not about what AIDS is exactly though. The world is AIDS-phobic. What do I mean by that? We are afraid of AIDS and we fear the people who are affected by this disease. We should be afraid of the disease because it is so serious, but we should not be afraid of the people who are affected by it! The stigma is that these diseases transmits through hugging, kissing, drinking of the same cup or other social contact. This is not true. It transmits through unsafe sex, sharing needles, blood transfusions in countries where they don't check for these diseases and such.
Do not be afraid to talk to a person that is tested positive. They are just like you. You can hug them just as any other person. You can help them. Many are afraid to say that they have the disease, they don't even dare to tell their parents, if you show them kindness and treat them like you would any other person you could inspire other people to do the same, and they would gain the courage to talk about it. You could help make the world just a little better.
The first part of this interview with Lady Gaga is about AIDS if you read all of this please take a few more minutes and watch it.

tirsdag den 29. november 2011


I'm so sorry for not updating! I've been, and still are, quite busy with a very important assignment. I'm reading lots of books about Horror, vampires and Dracula. I'm starting to stress cause I'm behind on all my work. The assignment starts the 7 december and ends on the 21. When it is handed in and over with I promise that I will make a proper entry!
Back to work.

lørdag den 29. oktober 2011

Pottermore - A unique online Harry Potter experience from J.K. Rowling

Pottermore will soon be open and therefore I thought I would write a little about it. I was one of a million people to get a Beta profile. I stayed up for 24 hours to get the second clue.
Pottermore is a website from J.K. Rowling to all of the Potterheads in the world. It is a website where you 'play' yourself through the books. So far only The Philosophers' Stone/The Sorceress' Stone has been released and Chamber of Secrets is expected to be released sometime next year.
On Pottermore you get the chance to be a Hogwarts student. You get your Hogwarts acceptance letter from Hagrid, who takes you shopping in Diagon Ally. In Diagon Ally you buy your school things and just like Harry you get to buy your own wand in the end.
The process of getting a wand is really exciting. You have to take a sort of test, which varies from user to user, so no one can tell you what to answer to get the wand you want. After taking the test you get to see your wand. You have to answer these questions truthfully to have a wand that will work.
This is one f the most exciting thing about Pottermore. It sounds boring, but it's not! One of the other exciting things Pottermore gives you is never before seen or known information about certain places, object and characters from J.K. Rowling herself. And of course the sorting!
The sorting is like the wand a test. Again this changes, so no one can give you the answer on how to become a Gryffindor. Sorry. These tests are not obvious like the tests you can take on several websites, so you can't figure out how to become a Gryffindor either.
When you get your potion book and cauldron you can start making potions. The only thing you need is to stop by Diagon Ally to get your ingredients first. Trust med when I say.. Potions is not easy. You have a time limit and if you aren't done before time runs out your cauldron will melt. If you do it wrong your cauldron will melt or the potion will begin to smoke.. When you've gotten your wand, which you get after buying books and more, you can practice spells and duel friends. At the moment dueling is down, but will hopefully be up in time for you guys to join us.
I've heard people say that they find Pottermore boring.. And it will be if you are expecting new information about every character, every object etc. and if you are expecting games in every new scene.
I think Pottermore is quite fun. Of course it is run through quite quickly if you want to.. But the new information is amazing and it is really fun to make potions and gain house points. The sorting was for me one of the best things. I was sorted into Slytherin, as I had hoped, so no tears there.
Now as a beta user we have been going through main points in chapters, just as you will, and we have commented on the information. We have given our feedback and Pottermore will probably change somethings. A good start would be the long brewing time for the potions..
If you are a Potterhead I will strongly recommend you to get a profile in here! Read the book as you go through the chapters because it will make the book so much better. The backgrounds are absolutely beautiful and you will love to zoom in and out to see the amazing details.
This is what I will reveal about Pottermore.. The rest is for you t figure out when Pottermore opens. As for when it opens.. No one knows.. But if you want to know then keep an eye open and go to Pottermores website or go to their blog, Pottermoreinsider

lørdag den 8. oktober 2011

Online Friends Are Not To Be Undervalued

First of all: I am so terribly sorry for not posting anything for nearly four months! I've been a little busy and I've had little to no inspiration to write.
Second of all: I'll try to update more. I can't promise anything but I will promise to try.

Online friends are not to be undervalued.
-Tom Felton.

My closest friends are people I've met online. They are the people I tell my secrets, talk about my everyday problems with and they are the people I laugh the most with. Unfortunately I don't see them as often as I would like, but when I see them I have the most incredible time. 
I've never been one of those social people. I've never really been outgoing, but as I got older I think I got more.. awkward socially. Which probably was one of the reasons I really didn't have any friends as a child and most of my teenage life. At the age of ten I found a chat filled with Potterheads. People just like me. People who wanted a place to go to escape the day and it's problems. This is where I found my friends. I met most of them later on and became friends with them outside the computer too. I think I remember each meeting - which says a lot, since I don't remember well.
Talking to these people was so different from talking to people you met in real life. Most of them didn't judge you and those who did would never talk to you anyways. It was a little like a double life if you want.. I was a socially awkward girl who was judged and hated by most of the school from 8 till 2, but as soon as I came home and logged onto the chat I was a totally different girl. I was the evil, sarcastic Slytherin girl whenever the play began and private chat.. That was just me not being judged by anyone.
I remember hating one of my now best mates- let's call her Nancy. I used to bitch about her to my mum all the time. It wasn't because I didn't like the real her.. I just hated her character in the play. And trust me.. She hated me just as much. Later on Nancy and I decided on a truce, and now we can't stand to leave each other by the end of our visits. Another of my best mates was one of the very first people I talked to in there.. She was also the first one I ever met outside the chatroom. She'll always be my friend because I know she'll always be there for me and I'll be there for her, not matter what happens. It's just the same with Nancy. 
These people has helped through rough times and they've made me laugh when I most needed it. They've helped me form who I am today and I am proud to say that they are my friends. They may be the ones I take out my stress on, and they may find me scary under great stress and while studying for exams.. But no matter how mean and sarcastic I am towards them they stay by my side.. Their friendships are those which has lasted the longest and the ones I couldn't live without.
My online friends means everything to me! And even today, 10 years later, I still make friends online. I've got a friend on the other side of the earth! We started emailing over the summer holidays and even though the emails only come once or twice a month I still consider her my friend. Of course I haven't met her. But she's my friend all the same - even if she doesn't thinks of me as a friend.
As Tom Felton says. They are not to be undervalued. They can make a great difference. 

søndag den 26. juni 2011

It all ends here

People ask me if  there are going to be stories of Harry Potter as an adult. Frankly, if I wanted to, I could keep writing stories until Harry is a senior citizen, but I don't know how many people would actually want to read about a 65 year old Harry still at Hogwarts playing bingo with Ron and Hermione.
- J.K. Rowling

As I've said in earlier posts and as can be seen just by looking at the design of this blog, I am a Potterhead and proud of it. Don't get me started on all things Harry Potter, cause I can go on forever. I will try to keep this post as short as possible though.
As the days goes on the finish of this epic series is coming to an end. The last Harry Potter book was released in 2007 and now the film was the only thing called Harry Potter that one could look forward to. I have to admit that I, at first, did not want to read the last book. Those of my friends who had read it before me, had reviled so much of the plot and who died that I did not want to read it. A year or so later I read it. I loved it just as much as the first six.
I can't put my love for the series into words. I can say how much I love it, but it would never measure up to the way I actually feel about it.
At first I didn't know what Harry Potter was. It was first when the first movie came out I heard about it. I thought it was a thing for boys only but my mum convinced me to either see the movie or read at least one book. So I did. I read the first book and watched the movie and I've been hooked ever since. It's now ten years since I became a massive Potterhead when I was nine. Now the ending is coming and I've become a sobbing mess every time I've seen a poster, picture, clip or trailer for the last movie. Imagine how it will be when I actually see the movie ending.
When I started reading Harry Potter I was in the middle of transferring to another school. Transferring to another school is hard enough in itself, but when you're not the most outgoing person and you don't have the right clothes it gets even harder. I had no friends at my last school and at the new one it didn't get any better. So I hid myself away in the Harry Potter universe. I hid myself away from the bullies and it helped me get through every day. I did not leave without a Harry Potter book in my bag. I read all of the books that was released at the time. When I finished them I started over. When a new book was released I read until I finished it and then started over on the series.
The series was the reason I got friends. Real friends. Most of my friends are people I met on an online chat room where one could roleplay as a student at Hogwarts. I met them years later and now most of them are still my friends. The series also gave me something to relate to. I've always been a sucker for the bad guys - Ask my mum if you don't believe me - and even though Draco Malfoy were a bully in the books he was the one I could relate to the most. I could relate to how his father had high expectations of how he had to be, what he had to become and what he had to do. My father is more like Lucius Malfoy than anyone thinks. That is why I like Draco Malfoy so much. And as many others the Harry Potter taught me how fun it could be to read. I had a place to go when I felt like the world had turned it back on me. Harry Potter made my hard days easier to go through.
I owe J.K. Rowling a lot. Her books made the life of a nine year old girl easier to go through and helped the same girl finding a place in life and taught her what real friendship is all about.
There was a girl who came up to me on the street the other day, she bloomed out of the pavement...
and she must have been in her early twenties, and she said to me 'You are my childhood.' About the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.
-J.K. Rowling.

søndag den 12. juni 2011


Money is a nice thing to have.. That's what most people say.
But what would we do to get the money? Obviously we go to work to get the money. We need the money so that we can buy the fancy things we want, feed our family, pay the rent and so on. But even though money are to have they seem to show us the most ugly face of a person.
We will do anything to get money.
Some people will sell their most beloved friends and family to the police if there's a reward. Some will do a tax fraude and others will rob a bank. There's many thing one will do just for the sake of money.
I talked to my mum about jobs, and how I still don't know what I really want to work as. My mum doesn't care what I become. Well.. That's a lie. She does not want me to become a prostitute or something along those lines. But other than that, she doesn't care. She keeps saying that since not many here in Denmark can speak Chinese, and since I study it as a second language, I will be able to pick how much I'll get paid by myself. I like the idea. But as I said to her: "That's almost the same as whoring myself out. Just without the sex." She agreed with me.
But again. Is there anything we will not do for money? Og course we are talking about a big sum of money. No one would do something for a small sum, which one would use on a pice of gum. Many may say: "Of course there is! I would never kill another person for money" or they might say: "I would never sell my body! Not for all the money in the world" But isn't both things the same as going for the one who offers you the most? As Belle/Hannah in series Secret Diary of a Call Girl says:
"Aren't we all going through the motions for money, aren't we all whoring ourselves out for the man?"
I would say she's quite right. I'm not trying to be a saint here. Because I am doing the exact same thing. If I could get a better offer in another firm, I would take the offer! Highest bidder is the one who wins.

What do you guys think? Let me know if you disagree or agree with me.

fredag den 10. juni 2011

Stuck in the past

Stuck. To be stuck.
I know there is probably a lot of bloggers out there who have made an entry like this. So forgive me for doing the same.
Ever since I found out my parents never would get together again I've been intended on never getting stuck in the pas again. What once was will probably never be again.
For me it is okay to think about the good times in the past. But I am careful of never getting stuck in them. Good times from the past helps me through bad days and they are fun to talk about. But nothing more. Getting stuck will never get you moving. You will be where you are or were.
I never thought I would break my own rule. But for about four months I've been stuck in the past, and it ended up hurting me. A relationship that once was should never be again. That's what I learned. About four months ago I realized that I actually never moved on after my ex broke up with me. I had convinced myself that I would be just fine. But I wasn't and admitting that to myself and to him is what got me stuck.
He played the role of the ex missing his ex-girlfriend perfectly. I was the pathetic ex-girlfriend. After a while though he stopped all contact. I was actually fine with it. But just as I had decided to cut all contact it would all start over again. Well.. Almost. Except that this time I would not break. I had finally moved on! But as said, he played the role perfectly. The only flaw was that he could not give me a good reason to trust him. Well.. That is actually not the only flaw. He was perfectly fine with me not trusting him and he did not deny that he had actually tried to date to of my friends.
Getting stuck in the past once again hurt me. And I believe that the past should be just that. The past. Good times should be remembered but one should never try to get them back. One should accept the way of life and play their cards right to get to new and good times. Getting stuck will only result on the world passing you by. Move along instead of thinking of what could've been and what you could have done better.

Have you ever been stuck in the past? Be it wishing on getting a relationship back, like me or be it something else.

P.S. I would like to apologize for not updating so often but I've got quite a lot to do at the moment. But vacation is coming closer and I will try to update more.

fredag den 27. maj 2011

Teenage beauty

If you look up the word beauty in a dictionary there will probably be lots of definitions. But the one I immediately noticed was: "A very attractive and well-formed woman."
Can anyone give a definition of that? No. What is attractive to one person may be unattractive to another. But be as that may all women strive to be beautiful - to be an attractive and well-formed woman. But what will people do to reach their goal? More importantly what does this fight for beauty and perfection do to our society?
What made me think about all of this was Gok Wan's Body Confidence Class which you can see above. In fact I've thought about this many times. But I've never imagined it  was this bad.
The magazines and the movie makers make a perfect poster woman and man. They take the flaws on their bodies and photoshop them. As Gok Wan shows the girls in the clip Keira Knightly is a good example of it. This makes the girls think that they need big breasts and a thin as a stick body.
But is it only the girls' and women's thoughts of how the body of a woman should look like? No. I believe that it also affects the way boys and men look at the body of a woman. They expect a girl to be skinny, have big breasts and look like Keira Knightly, Megan Fox and so on.
The way magazines and movies portrait the women and the expectations of how to look from the men, makes a young girl strive even more to look like the women she sees on the cover of Vogue, Elle and what else magazines she might read. But we are not all born with a super skinny body. And even those who are strive to be even skinnier. How many girls does not struggle with eating disorders because she feels fat even though she's actually underweight?
All of these expectations have consequences. Like self-harm, eating disorders, bad confidence and the list goes on. But as can be seen in the clip it is not only girls who suffers under these expectations. It's also the boys. They have a lot to live up to. The men on adverts and movies has six-packs and big muscles and this is what the girls want. So just like the girls they strive to achieve the perfect, the ideal body.
As an example for both I can use some incidents from my every day life. My sister goes around saying she's fat and how she wishes her thighs were thinner. All because of what she sees in the television and in the magazines. She's nowhere near fat! In fact she is underweight. I try and try to make her understand that she's perfect the way she is, but who wants to hear that from someone who once said the same thing?
As for the boys. I overheard some girls, who had just seen the first part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, say that they did not think Daniel Radcliffe was 'hot' because he is 'chubby.' I thought about it for a second and couldn't say I thought the same. I didn't think more about it before I talked to a friend about it. She said: "They only say he's chubby because he doesn't have a six-pack! And Why is it that guys need to have a six-pack?! Those who does not have a six-pack but muscles on their arms and legs.. They are the hot guys!" And I could only agree.

Now. Sorry for the long entry but now my question to all of you reading this is: Do you think that all of this poster perfect body ruins the way people look at their body?

fredag den 13. maj 2011

What is love?

Everybody talks about it. Everyone dreams about it. But how does it actually feel?
Is it really the warm feeling in every part of your body? Does it really feel like there's a whole colony of butterflies in your stomach when you see this special person? Or is it just an idea we get from books?
I can't say that I know the answer to this. Because I don't know if I've ever been really in love. I love my mum, sister and father, but I think we all agree when I say that that's a different kind of love.
Maybe I am too young to know the feeling of real love from an other human being - that isn't my friends, mum, sister and father. But still I can't help but wonder about this feeling people talk about.
Maybe I did feel it but can't remember it because I don't want to remember it? Or maybe I was just with the wrong persons?
I can't say that my break ups have ever really hurt. I know that my first 'love' really wasn't that. It isn't love when you convince yourself so much, that you love a person, that you end up believing it.
It's so easy, to think about love, to talk about love, to wish for love, but it is not always easy to recognize love, even when we hold it in our hands.

But one thing I know is that I don't believe in the kind of love that you find in books like Twilight. I do not believe that you can be with your first love forever. Neither do I believe in love at first sight. I believe in lust at first sight. I think that love starts as lust and then as you get to know a person, it morphs into love.
My mum always say to me: "Please keep in mind that you are still young and need to experience life." My mum was with my father for about 20 years. She was 15 and my father was 18. She wasted her life on him and they did not stay together. Now she's alone and he has a wife. That is why my mum keeps reminding me.
But even as cold and heartless I may seem, I still feel lonely whenever my friends starts talking about how handsome and nice their boyfriends are. It's been a while since I've been in any kind of relationship, and I kind of miss the feeling of knowing that you have someone, who will pity you after a long day with hard work.

What do you guys think? Is love really this butterfly in the stomach feeling? Do you believe in love at first sight? And what is love exactly? Let me know and tell me why if you can.

søndag den 8. maj 2011


Tired. To be tired.
I don't know why but I am tired all the time. I sleep 10 hours or so - which I heard is what you need to sleep - and I am still so tired the day after that I am close to falling asleep in my lessons. Actually I have sleep a couple of times in some of my lessons this week.
I'm sure you all know it. You have a boring lesson, you space out and before you know it you've dosed off. Which isn't so good when the lessons you fall asleep in is the ones you could have as an exam in a few weeks.
Normally I always do my homework. Well.. Most if it anyways. But at this moment I am to tired to focus on what I am reading. As soon as I've read the sentence it is forgotten. And don't get me started on the way my body's feeling! It's heavy and I'm out of energy.

Have any of you dosed off in a lesson and did anyone notice it? Tell me about it.

onsdag den 4. maj 2011

Keep calm..

Keep calm, Girls..

I thought this would be fun after my last post. But hurry up girls if you want to be a princess!

mandag den 2. maj 2011

Princess Wedding

Wether you call it a princess wedding or a fairy tale wedding, it is one of the things most girls dream about when they're little. Most girls I said. Not all. I never dreamed about getting married but then again I am not most girls.
To get your typical fairy tale wedding you need Prince Charming. Prince Charming is of course the love of your life and he is absolutely perfect. Or so I heard.
So.. You've got Prince Charming and what else do you need? The perfect dress of course! 
Last friday I was watching the Royal Wedding of Prince William and now Princess Kate. And for the first time in my life I was considering getting married. I've always said: "I will never get married! It only complicate things!" I can't say that I've changed my mind cos I still think it complicates things.
...But if any of you saw it: Did you see her dress? If I ever find Prince charming I am going to have a dress like that!
Men always want to be a woman's first love - Women like to be a mans last romance.
Oscar Wilde.

I think that Prince William and Princess Kate, as she is known as now, is a picture of love. I won't say true love because.. Who knows when love is true? At the picture I've posted with this, we see their kiss on the balcony. Shy people they are. Cute. This might be the Prince Charming most girls dream about.
What do you think?

mandag den 25. april 2011

A boggart.

Afraid. To be afraid.
We all have something we are afraid of. We all fear something. Some things more than others. Some fear spiders and some fear death.
In Harry Potter and the Prisoner Of Azkaban J.K. Rowling introduces the world for a creature called a Boggart. A boggart lives in closets and other places where it is dark and it can be hidden. No one knows how it actually looks like, since it takes the look of ones biggest fear when one sees it. I asked one of my close friends what a boggart would turn into if she saw one. A rat she said. She then asked me what my boggart would turn into.
That is something I really don't know. I'm afraid of a lot of things. Not spiders, not death nor heights.. I'm a little afraid of snakes and little girls laughter. But my biggest fear is the things I come up with when I am alone. When I am alone, be it either in my bed or when my friends have gone home, I can convince myself that there is someone in the room looking at me, someone starring at me through the window - which is impossible, unless they have a very big latter - I can actually convince myself of the most awful things. And it's not because I like being afraid or because I think these are happening. I hate being afraid.
So what will my boggart turn into? I don't know. I really don't. I think that I am afraid of fear itself. I am afraid of things that's not there or doesn't exist. That's pretty hard to turn into right?

So my question to all of you reading this. What would a boggart turn into if you saw it and how would you defeat it? Remember laughter is the only thing that makes it go away, so make your fear funny. 

fredag den 22. april 2011


As you might've noticed I am a big Harry Potter fan. And I would apologize but I can't since it wouldn't be sincerely.
So as a Harry Potter fan I love the idea of magic. I always have. My mum has often told me, that when I was a child I would make up stories about magic and magical creatures, and that I often thought I saw a werwolf or something like that in the woods.
But as I got older I realized that magic isn't just spells, potions, magical creatures etc. But it is things like, new friends, seeing old friends again, love and so much more.
After being in Harry Potter, I believe a bit more in magic than I did before.
-Rupert Grint.

I believe in magic myself. Not just the magic in love, friendship and so on. I believe that there's things out there, that so many does not believe in but really does exist. Yes, I know what you might be thinking. I've heard it all before. You might not believe it but I do. It might not be spells but something else. It is a believe that makes my day more beautiful and easier to get through.

Do you believe in magic? Yes or no. Leave a comment and tell me and feel free to tell me what kind of magic and why.

onsdag den 20. april 2011


Some are traveling, some are visiting friends or family and some are staying at home.
I am one of those that is home doing different things. I have friends who are traveling, working, visiting friends or have a friend staying at their place. I have gone home to my mum and sister which is still my home, since my heart is here. I will have to admit that even though I love my mum and sister I am quite bored. I miss seeing my friends and having fun with them.
But I have my cat with me. He is happy to see my sisters cat and my sister again and is right now cuddling with my sister. What I am trying to say with this meaningless post is, that even though your at home bored it can be a good break anyways. You are relaxing!

I am spending my break staying at my mum's, reading a good book or watching a good movie with my mum and sister. But what I'm doing the most is cuddling with my cat and my sisters cat. I can't imagine a more relaxing way to spend my easter break.

My question to you: What are you doing in your easter break? 

lørdag den 16. april 2011

To travel is to live.

Traveling. To travel.
To travel is to live. That's what the famous author Hans Christian Anderson once said, and I personally thinks he's right. I feel more alive when I am traveling than when I stay in my home.
I haven't traveled much but most of the places I've been has been beautiful and exciting. I've been to Germany a couple of times - as most Danes have, I've been to Prague and it was such a beautiful city! I've been to London three times it is my favorite city of all. I can't get enough of it. And last but not least I've been to Beijing. I never imagined I'd go there but it was amazing!
The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.
- St. Augustine.

So in the 19 years of my life I haven't traveled that much. But I'm a sucker for it, really. I love experiencing new cultures. Seeing how people are different from us in Denmark. A good example could be: The Chinese students have more respect for their teacher than the students in Denmark does. The Chinese stand up, bow and say good morning when the teacher enters the room. Danish students stays put, makes noise and rarely says anything to the teacher.
But the thing I love the most about traveling is the feeling I get. This happy feeling. When I'm in London I feel like I belong. Like I'm home. And they say that the home is where the heart is. My heart is of course home with my mum and sister but it is also spread all over the world. Because the people there doesn't know me.

So my question for you this time is: Where have you traveled to? What was your favorite place? And where is your heart?

fredag den 15. april 2011

Be proud of who you are

Proud. To be proud.
You are you and no one else. Don't try to be like everyone but try your best to be you.
Every one wants to change something about themselves. Yes, even I want to change something about myself. It might be ones hight, ones noes, ones feet or something else. But we only have the body that we were born in so accept it as it is.
I know that in these newer days we can change a lot when it comes to appearance. We can use make-up to cover our imperfections, surgery to get a new noes and much more. But you can't love anyone before you love yourself for who you are.
I know this may not change the way you look upon yourself. A short person may want to be a little higher and a brunette may want to be a blond. I am not very tall myself and I often say that I would love to be a few centimeters higher. Furthermore I've changed my hair color so many times because I wanted a different hair color. But I've realized that people that love me doesn't love me for the way I look. They love me for my personality. And after I've read this awesome quote by Daniel Radcliffe - the guy who play Harry Potter - I've come to terms with the fact that I won't get taller. The quote can be seen in the picture.
Be proud of who you are.
-Daniel Radcliffe

You should not be afraid to be who you are. One thing I really don't like is people hating other people for being themselves and being open about it. I've got a really good friend who is homosexual and he doesn't hide it. He is proud of who he is and I couldn't be more proud of a friend. He knows that homosexuals are still being looked down upon. He is a good example of how you should be proud of who you are.

So my question for you is: Are you proud of who you are or is there anything you would change about your appearance and why?

torsdag den 14. april 2011


Friendship. To have a friend.
To have a friend is important. Well.. At least it is for me, and I am quite sure that it's the same for you.
If there are anyone I love higher than anything then it's my mum, sister, father and my friends. The few close friends I have are someone I lover very much.
I know that my friends will be there for me when I'm falling, and my friends know I'll be there for them. Or i hope that they know that.

Friendship is born in that moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought I was the only one."
C.S. Lewis

I don't believe in only having one best friend. I believe in having best friends, friends and familiars. The close friends I have is what I call my best friends. They know almost everything about me and I know almost everything about them. They accept me for being me and I accept them for being them.
We have times where we laugh and fool around, but we also have times where we are serious and discuss things. Of course one can have a row with a friend but if you are real friends you will forgive each other. No relationship can be perfect without a few arguments, that's what a friend of mine once said to me. He is right. Because even if you are best friends, a couple, mother and daughter, father and son or what else, you will always get frustrated with the other person. Not because they aren't like you, but because you need to 'clean' your relationship. 
Some of the things me and my friends do is to take pictures, write funny stories, talk about everything, watch movies and much more.
So now my question to you is: What do you do with your best friends?

tirsdag den 12. april 2011

Time is a funny thing.

Time. To have time.
Time is something I wonder too much about. My thoughts run in a ring around this too often.
Who decided there was 60 seconds in a minute? 60 minutes in an hour? And 24 hours in a day? That's the biggest question for me.
I know most if it is something people once upon a time observed. It's easy to see when it's winter and when it's summer. But how did someone decide that there was to be 30, 31 or 28 days in a month? Or who decided there was to be 365 day in a year? Because those things are pretty hard to observe. How does one know when a year and a month starts and when it ends when it hasn't been decided yet?
But the things I think the most about is the future and the past.

The consequences of our actions are so complicated, so diverse, that predicting the future is a very difficult business indeed.
-Albus Dumbledore.

No one know what the furture will hold but I can't seem to stop thinking about how my life will turn out. Will I still be friends with those I am now? Or will I have found a whole bunch of new friends? Will my dreams ever come true? Will I be alone? These are just some of the questions.
Who knows? No one. Because the future cannot be predicted. I don't believe in those who says it can. Predicting the future only happens in books.
But the past. The past will always hunt a person. Be it in a good or bad manner it will always hunt you. It can be something horrible that was done towards another person, or it can be the good memories of a good time with the family or girlfriend/boyfriend. The past is always there.
If I could make one magical object real, and there are many I want to make real believe me, it would perhaps be the time turner from Harry Potter. The one in the picture above.
You can go back in time with it. But what would I use it for other than to go back in time?
I would go back and observe all the good memories. Or maybe go back to my childhood and whisper to myself in sleep: "Everything will be alright, hang in there kiddo."

So my question for you out there. What would you do if you had a time turner? And remember, you must not be seen.

mandag den 11. april 2011


Gossip. To gossip.
Gossip. We all do it even if we don't want to admit it. We all talk about someone with someone. Good or bad we all do it. But still we look down upon those who gossip about others.
"How could she do that? It was something A told her in confidence," that's what we all say when we tell someone about the conversation. But we all know that we love hearing something about others.
We love to hear some humiliating history about A and her night out. Or maybe B was cheating on A and C saw or heard about this and told it to D. No matter what it is about we love to hear it. We don't care if it's a rumor or if it's true.
The only thing we care about is entertainment.
Gossip is what no one claims to like - but what everyone enjoys.
-Joseph Conrad

In danish we have a saying: "One feather becomes five chickens."  It's basically about how one story quickly changes to another when it is passed on. B heard a story about A and told it to C, but what C didn't know was that B made some changes, C passed it on to D and again it was changed and D told it to E again with changes and when E told it to A, A couldn't recognize it.
Even though I don't really like gossip myself I must admit that I gossip myself. It's a human error I think. We need something to talk about, and we don't want to tell the boring story about what we had for dinner yesterday. We need something juicy to talk about, and what is better to talk about than what our neighbor did last night with the woman, who was not his wife?

So you dear readers out there. What do you mean about gossip? Are you willing to admit that you too gossip about people?

søndag den 10. april 2011

To want.

Want. To want.
To want someone is for me the same as to lust after another person. Sexual.
It might just be me, but when someone says: "I want you," it is in the I-want-a-onenight-stand-with you or in the I-want-a-fuck-at-my-disposal-when-I-need-it kind of way. Not in a I-want-a-relationship-with-you kind of way. Unless you are in a relationship with the person you're saying it to.
Personally I'm not into "Fuck buddies." But i have nothing against people who have these. Should I choose myself I would choose a relationship or onenight stands. The only problem with relationships is that they time after time hurt you and in the end can destroy you. Onenight stands on the other hand is something you know what your getting into. But I would still choose a relationship before everything else.
I'm the kind of person who hates to put herself into a position where there is a risk of getting hurt. That is why I rarely talk about feelings - the reason to why my relationship doesn't work. Or one of the reasons, 'cause to show affection is not something I'm good at.
I often seem like an insensitive person which makes it hard to be in a relationship.
"You never show that you're in love with me" - a sentence I might have heard to often. I should probably walk around with a sign hanging around my neck that says: "Caution: Insensitive bitch, who can ignore you, hates to talk about feelings, rarely shows affection and is bound to hurt you."
Then people couldn't say that they didn't know what they were getting into.
But don't we all hurt someone at some point in our life?
As Dumbledore says:
"To hurt is as human as to breath."

So you unfortunate people who read this first post. What does wanting another person, who you are not in a relationship with, mean to you?

First post

Welcome to my blog.
This is the place where I will share my thoughts, memories and what else I think might be interesting.
I will be writing in English but I am Danish, so there will be some misspelling and bad grammar and for that I am sorry.
I see this blog as my personal pensive, a place to store memories and thoughts, and I hope you may find some of it interesting.